Type Conversion Functions:
int(): Convert to an integer.
float(): Convert to a floating-point number.
str(): Convert to a string.
list(): Convert to a list.
tuple(): Convert to a tuple.
dict(): Convert to a dictionary.
set(): Convert to a set.
Mathematical Functions:
abs(): Return the absolute value of a number.
max(): Return the maximum value from a sequence.
min(): Return the minimum value from a sequence.
pow(): Calculate the power of a number.
round(): Round a number to a given precision.
String Functions:
len(): Return the length of a string.
str.lower(): Convert a string to lowercase.
str.upper(): Convert a string to uppercase.
str.split(): Split a string into a list based on a separator.
str.join(): Join elements of a list into a single string.
List Functions:
list.append(): Add an element to the end of a list.
list.pop(): Remove and return the last element from a list.
list.extend(): Extend a list by appending elements from another list.
list.index(): Return the index of the first occurrence of an element.
list.sort(): Sort the elements of a list.
Dictionary Functions:
dict.keys(): Return a list of keys in a dictionary.
dict.values(): Return a list of values in a dictionary.
dict.items(): Return a list of key-value pairs as tuples.
dict.get(): Return the value for a given key, or a default value if the key is not found.
dict.update(): Update a dictionary with key-value pairs from another dictionary.
Set Functions:
set.add(): Add an element to a set.
set.remove(): Remove an element from a set.
set.union(): Return the union of two sets.
set.intersection(): Return the intersection of two sets.
set.difference(): Return the difference between two sets.
Input and Output Functions:
print(): Print output to the console.
input(): Read input from the user.
Other Common Functions:
len(): Return the length of an object (list, tuple, string, etc.).
range(): Generate a sequence of numbers.
enumerate(): Return an iterator with index and value pairs.
zip(): Combine multiple iterables element-wise.
sum(): Calculate the sum of elements in a sequence.